Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello everyone! This is my first posting as Mrs. Sandberg! It will be a quick one because its almost time to go to my next class! But here are some of the happenings of the Sandberg household in the past couple months.

1. Moved into our apartment. Only a few troubles getting furniture in.
2. Jaren got a sound system. We LOVE watching movies. ;)
3. We went "camping" in a cabin at bear lake. Didn't catch any fish, so ate a whole pack of oreos for dinner. Flooring guys there at the cabin from 10-3AM... Very romantic weekend. :)
4. First Pizza night!!
5. Bottled 60 jars of apple pie filling with Jaren's family. So yummy!!
6. Went back to the temple for the first time this past week! Loved it! Almost couldn't get in cause Jaren's recommend is still having issues.

I'll post more later!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello everyone!

Its been a while since my last post! A ton has happened! Wedding plans are underway and the big day is coming up quick! I think we are down to five weeks! :) August 15th! Let everyone know!

We just got back from a rivertrip up in Jackson! SO FUN!

Here are some pictures!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Jaren and i are engaged! :) our wedding is on august fifteenth! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Please pardon my morbid humor, this shouldn't be so funny. My grandma died back in January. I just walked upstairs and found a pamphlet addressed to her sitting on the counter. In big bold letters it said, "Get back to the life you had before!" Haha...

Silence Appreciation? by Callie

I have been told that I am a quiet person. I have been told this rather frequently. A girl in the dentist office I work at told everyone that she thought I had left because she hadn't heard me say anything for so long. In the quiet confines of my own mind I wonder, does everyone else really talk that much more than I do? And if so WHAT IN THE WORLD do they talk about? How can people talk all day? Why can't I? ... My mom tells me "its just because we appreciate silence." Maybe I should come up with a list of interesting conversation starters... or memorize lots of fun, random facts. Or become a master storyteller. Any other ideas? :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer, Week Two!

So, the second week of summer was much like the first. I worked at the same dentist office and definitely had some of the same feelings of dread as I drove there everyday. This week however, those feelings began to lessen somewhat. Thursday I actually enjoyed being there! I was cleaning teeth all over the place, and felt like I was beginning to understand some of what was going on! Friday I was actually almost excited to go in, and as soon as I got there I had a flashback of Finding Nemo.... Swimming around in dark water, gazing adoringly at a beautiful light... then suddenly, "good feeling gone!" Once again, I felt like I was in WAY over my head. Luckily, it seems to come and go... Hopefully soon I will start to feel more comfortable!

I got to play a bit this week too! I made some friends from my ward that love to play sand volleyball. We played three times this week! The second time, my toes were so cold afterwards that I thought they had been frozen! I went home and soaked them in hot water and they felt much better. Happy little toes. :) Kiley, Kaitlyn, and I all went to see Star Trek on Tuesday. We had quite the adventure trying to sneak in ice cream. Kiley ordered an ice water in addition to our shakes, and the drink holder that came with them didn't fit in her bag. I stuck the ice cream in her bag, but she insisted that I pack in the water as well. I, obediently did as I was told, only to be scolded moments later when the lid popped off and the water spilled in her bag. Its hard to be discreet about sneaking things into the movie theater when your bag is leaking and leaving a nice wet trail behind you. . . :) The ice cream was delicious, and the movie was SO good. Who knew that you could get chills from the awesomeness of Star Trek? haha The part where the ship comes out of no where to blast the missles away and destroy the evil ship was SO COOL! I definitely had goosebumps! Kiley and I also got our first snow cones of the season!! I always forget how much I LOVE them. I seem to have a weakness for anything edible that is also delicious. I might accidently become fat this summer! ;) The week ended with a fun night with new friends playing volleyball at Mt. Logan Middle school at midnight and a fun girly sleepover that night!! My nights usually end with a call from Jaren who recently moved back to St. George from California! It seems so much better, but he is still six hours away... Anyway, its always fun to end the day with his funny stories ... that are NEVER awkward. But really... ;)

The weekend has been fun as well! I managed to completely fry my legs while watching Dalyn's soccer games. While standing during Holly's wedding on Saturday night, I experienced the unmistakable burnt skin sensation that I haven't had for who knows how long. I looked down and sure enough! Bright red legs! The poor things haven't seen sunlight since October probably... and hopefully they will tan! Holly's wedding was Saturday and she was SO gorgeous! It was so good to see everyone! Two of my friends are going on missions in two weeks and their farewell was today! There were lots of old friends to talk to, and I had a lot of fun catching up with them! The fam just got home from church and I hear pans rattling! It must be time for Sunday lunch!! =Definitely a favorite! Until next week!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just my life

School is out for the summer! ... And its not quite as exciting as it used to be. Surprisingly, I miss school already. Whether that has to do with missing the actual school part or the social part is debatable. I love college and am SO excited to go back in the fall.

So far summer has been.... haha how can I put this to adequately describe how it has been? longishuncomfortablelonelytiringstressfulworkfilledbutstrangelyfun... yep i think that might be it. I started volunteering at a dentist office here in town and am beginning to learn how to be a dental assistant. I have watched a bunch of fun procedures! I almost passed out while watching my first extraction. The shots got me. Honestly that is the worst part. Today I watched the dentist pull out a wisdom tooth. Not to get into the bloody details, but it was so cool that he basically just peeled back the gums and popped the tooth out! It was surprisingly not a huge ordeal. I felt dumb for making such a big deal out of it when I got mine out. I have made a resolution to take better care of my teeth. But after all of that, I'm beginning to think that all my plans to be a hygienist might be going down the drain... I actually don't enjoy doing the whole dental thing right now, mostly because I feel awkward that I don't know whats going on, but I have been told that I should give it a few weeks before I quit. I guess a few weeks really isn't that long right? :S

Last night Kiley, Erin, and I made a large batch of chocolate chip cookies. Our large mountain of cookies left over was very deceitful... It would have been twice the size had we not eaten so much cookie dough and then so many hot, fresh, gooey, chocolately cookies. :) mostly they were SOOO good. Tonight Kiley and I ate pancakes with LOTS of strawberries on them. Definitely another favorite. Other than that, I have hung out with my friend Leslie a couple times. We had a girls night the other night to watch a chick flick and cry about our boys that were gone for the summer. We didn't actually end up crying, and her boy came back two days later. How do I get lucky like that? Tonight we (Leslie, Leslie's Boy Sean, and I) went and played volleyball with some other kids from our ward. I basically dominated when I figured out how to serve overhand again, and my team rocked!! It was surprisingly competitive for sand/ward volleyball... and I just realized that I still have sand everywhere! ...I should probably go take care of that. :) Until next time!

Monday, April 20, 2009

... Land Where the Sun Rises and Sets ...

I spent the weekend in St. George. Jaren, Blake (Jaren's brother), and I drove down Friday night and got to the Sandberg's house around midnight. We sat up with Jeri Dell and Jay drinking chocolate milk and eating string cheese. The real adventures began the next day.

After the terrifying experience of meeting the best friend, we all started the day off with a nice little fishing trip. We caught one fish. We left.

I was given a tour of St. George and Washington as we picked up Jaren's cherry picker and welder.

We ate at Pasta Factory for lunch. I ate alot. Met another best friend. Didn't know what to think about him, but realized he really was cool.

Hung out at Brady's house watching nitro circus and listening to boys talking about football. I realize that I know absolutely nothing about football... Hence I was a quiet lump on a log most of the day. I guess that's what happens when a bunch of guys get together. Hopefully they didn't mind too much.

Then came the best part of the trip. The caves. We drove forever along a bumpy dirt road out to the Bloomington caves. We spent about an hour spelunking. It was dirty and wet and AWESOME. Definitely a favorite. Apparently it was a good thing I liked it because afterwards, I was informed that it was a cleverly crafted test to assess my level of girlyness. Apparently I'm not TOO girly... I passed.

The rest of the night was spent swimming, eating the daily dose of ice cream and watching a movie. :)

Church and lunch happened the next day, and the drive back ended up being a nice long conversation. We pulled back into Logan, not quite ready to start another week... but I guess since its semi warm here too now, its not so bad.

Thats all! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another blurp from the life of callie: there is this really awesome bat cave bathroom in the geology building. Its my favorite one :) thats all for now.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


James phillip! :) he is so perfect!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

One bit of exciting news is that I have been learning how to play the guitar! I sound horrible, but I love it. Jaren and I went to The Haunting of Connecticut last night, and I have never been so scared in a movie. Its definitely one you want to have a tough guy there with you. Also, we got doughnuts this week from Heather! I love doughnuts!!

I just set up my first blog! I haven't quite figured out how to use it, but hopefully I will soon!